Free Autotune Plugins For Fl Studio 20

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  5. Free Autotune Plug-ins For Fl Studio 20

Free auto tune for fl studio 12 download software at UpdateStar - Hailed at its introduction as a 'holy grail of recording,' by Recording magazine (and adopted worldwide as the largest-selling audio plug-in of all time), Auto-Tune corrects intonation and timing problems in vocals or solo. Dec 15, 2019 MAutoPitch works well as a FL studio autotune plugin and has a nice clear and easy to use interface. There is a piano board which allows you to instantly program in the desired key and scale. It's easily one of the best free autotune VST's around for convenience alone.

Autotune and pitch correction has a variety of uses, from fixing subtle imperfections in a vocalist’s performance to extreme effects such as the famous sound popularized by T-Pain and utilized by Daft Punk, Black Eyed Peas, Cher, and many more.
Furthermore, you can even record organic instruments and give them a natural, flowing, and gliding sound!
As a result, there are tons of possible uses to consider with an autotune VST.
However, many of the popular autotune plugins will burn hundreds of dollars out of your wallet, and with the wealth of available autotune and pitch tuning plugins, finding the right one for your specific needs can be overwhelming.
So to help you out, we’ve compiled a list of seven completely free autotune VST’s that still have incredible functionality!
To get started, let’s briefly go over what to consider when searching for these crucial plugins.

Things To Consider When Searching for a Free Autotune VST

There are a few points to go over before deciding on which autotune and pitch-correction plugins are the right ones for you.
Most importantly, what do you need these tools for?
If you produce a genre outside of EDM that might call for more organic sounds, you’ll want an autotune plugin that’s designed for smoother and more subtle pitch-correction.
This way, you’re simply making minor corrections that likely won’t be heard by your audience and will still sound natural.
Thus, to keep the organic feel of your sound, you should search for a pitch correction plugin with a transparent audio engine that won’t color your sound too much, so that it guarantees a seamless, smooth, and untouched sound for your acoustic needs.
On the other hand, if you produce hip-hop, trap, or certain electronic genres, you’ll have to consider an autotune plugin that allows you to draw in the notes you want the singer or instrument to hit.
Additionally, you might need effects that allow you to further customize the voice, such as formant control, MIDI input, and others. That way, you can jump up and down in volume and pitch as you please!
So, there are a lot of things to consider before choosing which plugin is right for you.
Now that you have a better idea of what to look out for, let’s jump right into the 7 best and completely free autotune plugins available in 2018!

1. MAuto Pitch

MeldaProduction, a renowned audio plugin company used and promoted by Deadmau5, was kind enough to create a completely free and fully functioning autotune plugin!
This plugin give you options such as depth, detune, and speed, which are standard on most pitch correctors.

Autotune Fl Studio Free Download

Depth controls how much effect the VST has on the entire sound. Detune will push the pitch of the sound up or down by cents for sharp fine-tuning purposes.
The speed knob will control how fast MAutoPitch will respond to out-of-tune notes. If you’re looking for a smoother sound, using a low speed value will ensure that transitions between notes aren’t jumpy and fake-sounding.
Otherwise, if you want something closer to the T-Pain effect, you’ll want to turn the speed up very high so that it skips quickly from one note to the next.
What’s great about this plugin is that, like a lot of Melda’s works, there are a wealth of bonus features that come along with it!
For example, MAutoPitch includes an effects rack. With this, you can control how heavy the effects work on the sound with the dry-wet knob, spread the stereo image with the width function, and even shift the formants.
Shifting formants will make your sound deeper and more “masculine” sounding or higher and more “feminine” sounding, but you need to be careful with this. If you alter the formant way too much you might also alter its pitch.
This is achieved trying to imitate how the human vocal tract works and even the shape of the singer’s mouth while singing, through complex filters. Formant shifting will also have a huge influence on vowel sounds and certain consonants, and if you are interested in this topic, we really recommend you reading this article. This subject is too complex and outside of the scope of this article.
A visual detector displays what notes are being detected by the plugin, and a scale function enables you to select what scale of music you’re on. This way, MAutoPitch only shifts pitch to the perfect notes according to the key your track is in!
Also included is a limiter, which helps keep your sound below the 0 db threshold so it doesn’t clip.
The wealth of features available on MAutoPitch, along with the high functionality and easy interface, makes this free VST something you’ll want in your autotuning arsenal.
Download it here.

2. GSnap

One of the original free pitch correction plugins, Graham Yeadon’s GSnap, still is among the elite.
That’s partially because of its unique ability to adjust notes according to MIDI that you can feed into it!
For example, if you want to correct a vocalist’s notes, you can play their part on a piano, feed the MIDI notes from the piano into the plugin, and GSnap will use those notes as a guide to where it will correct.
Not many other plugins can do this, and it’s an incredibly powerful and advantageous tool to use!
An easy visual interface on the left of the VST shows exactly how GSnap is fixing the sounds.
The original sound is in red, and the adjusted notes are highlighted in green. This is perfect for figuring out exactly how to fine-tune the sound and to know what’s going on. Twelve fully adjustable knobs allow for precise editing of the effect.
Furthermore, this plugin enables you to add vibrato and adjust the speed of it! This is something not seen in other plugins like MAuto Pitch, for example.
Vibrato is an up-and-down pitch and volume effect that essentially makes the singer sound a lot more organic and talented, and it works across multiple genres when used correctly.
Also included in the detection section is a gate, which is a unique way of controlling how much GSnap has an effect on the sound. It can be adjusted so that GSnap only has an effect on the loud or quiet parts, if needed.
As GSnap is well-known among experienced producers for its versatility, MIDI feed options, and easy interface, it’s easy to see why this free plugin is worth a grab!
Get it here.

3. Graillon 2

No list of autotune plugins, free or otherwise, would be complete without the recently released free version of Auburn Sounds’ Graillon 2!
From first glance, you’ll notice a beautiful vintage-looking interface with large fonts and a standout color scheme that makes it easy to navigate. An easy central waveform display shows where the current note of your sound is, as well as exactly where Graillon 2 is correcting it.
Behind the eye-catching and functional design is a well-programmed plugin that can perform both heavy autotune and fine pitch correction functions flawlessly!
For easy and quick use, simply adding it as an insert on your desired channel and turning on the correction will suffice in most cases. To adjust, use the critical “inertia” knob as a “speed” knob mentioned previously. It reduces pitch correction jumps by helping notes “stick”.
You should be careful with this function, however, as some notes may “stick” for too long, hence altering the melody altogether.
If you’re looking for a robotic sound, adjust the “smooth” knob in the correction module, which controls how slow or fast your sound will jump from one note to the other.
Yet another feature available on Graillon 2 is the “bitcrusher” area on the left side. Even more, it can make a voice “growl” as well as reinforce the bass portion of monophonic pitched sounds, a function unique to Graillon 2.
With proper adjustment of the quantize and reduction knobs, you can get sounds that are highly distorted, “bitcrushed”, or a robotic growl sound by reducing the reduction knob.
Graillon 2 can also double as a pitch-shifting plugin with a pitch wheel on the bottom left. There’s also an option to keep the formants of the track along with it, which changes the singer’s perceived vocal tract shape and the shape of the singer’s mouth while singing. If you’re looking for a smoother effect, it’s often best to change both the pitch and the formants at the same rate.
Also included are convenient knobs such as dry/wet for overall effect adjustment, a low cut filter, and an adjustable output gain meter.
As Graillon 2 is a proverbial swiss army knife in the autotune realm, capable of most features, with an included bitcrusher, growl sound capabilities, and with a beautiful interface, there aren’t many negatives to this one.
If you need flawless all-around functionality with a few bonus features thrown in, Graillon 2 is your best bet.
Get it here.

4. KeroVee

The Japan-based, g200kg company created KeroVee back in 2010, and it’s still used for deep pitch correction adjustment today.
What KeroVee lacks in extreme robotic effects, it makes up for with ultra-precise pitch adjustment capabilities that are far better than most free autotune plugins!
Similar to GSnap, there’s an easy scaled interface on the left side so you can see exactly what KeroVee is doing and respond accordingly.
Just to the right of this block, you can click which notes of the scale you want KeroVee to adjust to. Selected notes will have a green block next to them, while deselected notes will be black.
Also similar to GSnap, you can route MIDI notes to KeroVee for the plugin to use as a guide. This is a crucial function that lets you tell KeroVee exactly what notes the singer should be on, with a large set of knobs to customize further.
Unique to KeroVee is a “nuance” parameter that allows you to keep or ignore subtle pitch changes, such as natural vibrato from the singer.
Typical on most autotune plugins, you get a “TuneSpeed” knob which controls how fast the VST will fix the incoming audio.
The calib function controls the overall pitch of the sound, and on the bottom are important functions such as pitch and formant shifting, fine tuning for precision work, and panning and volume knobs.
If you’re looking for an autotune plugin that is tailor-made specifically for fine adjustment of vocals, rather than a harsh and noticeable effect, KeroVee will be a good place to start.
The free download can be found here.

5. X42 Auto-Tune

X42 Auto-Tune is a simple autotuner based on the zita-at1 by Fons Adriaensen. It’s much better if you use it as a light tonal fixer over a full-on robotic autotuner.
It works by resampling the material fed into it and then looping the signal. It does not have any formant correction capabilities.
As a result, its uses don’t come from transposing a track, but from subtle adjustments to vocals.
Even though the X42 has a specific set of sounds it can perform on, when you use it correctly, it does a goob job!
As with the GSnap and KeroVee, it can be fed MIDI from which it adjusts the vocal notes to. Otherwise, you can input a fixed set of notes from any musical key for the program to respond to.
Although it shares similarities with other plugins, there are some unique features the X42 has that others don’t.
The “Bias” parameter lets the vocals to stay on their current note for a longer period of time instead of moving quickly to one of your selected notes, regardless of if they’re in tune or not. It allows for more off-tune and natural singing sounds.
Furthermore, it includes a unique “offset” parameter which adjusts how far the vocalist can venture from the predesigned notes.
Like the bias parameter, this will let you to keep some of the vocalist’s minor mistakes for a more organic sounding performance, if need be.
What this plugin lacks in formant features, sparkly design, and variability in sound adjustment, it makes up for with unique parameters and fine MIDI control of missed notes.
Try it out here.

6. Autotalent

Don’t be fooled by the simple interface!
Autotalent by Oli Larkin is a well designed, fully functioning autotune and pitch correction VST.
You can use it for light pitch correction and full-on robotic autotune, and it even contains chiptune effects!
It includes all of your typical parameters needed in an autotune plugin. It allows smoothing, subtle pitch shifting to scaled notes, and a full formant editing function.
With Autotalent, you set notes on the piano scale to “-1” for notes you want to exclude, and “0” if you do want the singer or instrument on that note.

Free Autotune Vst

Autotalent, unlike any other free autotune VST, offers an extensive LFO and vibrato section. Use this section to add vibrato, skill, and confidence into a vocalist’s performance.
The LFO can also be used to add a unique chiptune effect to the vocal or instrument! Chiptune describes a sound that appears to have come from early gaming consoles.
So despite a relatively lacking interface, Autotalent offers a wealth of both robotic and smooth autotune options, as well as unique LFO section. If you’re looking for this type of versatility and want to try the plugin-specific LFO module, give Autotalent a try.
Listen to a demo of the plugin in action here.
Download it here.

7. AAS Autotune

Last, but certainly not least, we’re going to include an interface-less plugin, the AAS Autotune by Arguru.
Obviously, without any user interface, you’re only going to have one specific set of parameters working at one time!
Use AAS Autotune to get the classic and harsh “T-Pain” effect on vocals.
It’s a robotic and fast-moving sound that’s only useful in certain situations, but it works well when it’s needed, such as hip-hop songs that use purposefully autotuned vocals as an effect.
It’s ultra simple, but incredibly useful!
You can directly download it here.


Because of the overwhelming amount of music that includes some sort of vocal or tuned instruments, autotune and pitch correction plugins are an absolute necessity!
Hopefully we’ve been able to help you figure out what you want from this class of free plugins.
You should be thinking about whether you want the heavy, unnatural, and robotic sound, or a light and seamless touch that the listener’s won’t hear, most often used to put small touch-ups on a vocal performance.
Furthermore, we’ve gone through all of the advantages and disadvantages to the 7 free plugins we listed above as it pertains to those needs.
For All of them have special features unique to the situations they’re used in, and there should be many in this list that fit your autotune needs!
Have you used any of these plugins before?
Did we miss a free autotune plugin that you love to use?
Let us know in the comment section below!

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FL Studio is one of the most powerful music production tools around, with an array of synths and effects available right out of the box. But like most producers, you could probably use a few more plugins! Here we’ve put together some of the best free plugins for FL Studio, which should cover you for almost every imaginable musical scenario.


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Sitala is a drum plugin that can also be used as a standalone app. Although it is about as simple a drum plugin as you could want, it will find a place in almost any project due to its musicality and highly intuitive interface. Sitala’s six knobs and sixteen pads encourage you to use it as an instrument, which results in more musical beats and grooves. Crackear fl studio 11 demo.

Best Features & Specs

Sitala features 16 assignable pads that should be familiar to anyone who’s ever used a drum plugin before. You can drag and drop your own samples right into these pads or use the factory kits that come with the plugin.

Sitala also includes an array of sound-shaping tools that lets you put your own stamp on your drum sounds. With features such as ‘Shape’, ‘Compression’, and ‘Tone’, recreating traditional drum beats or more experimental grooves is a piece of cake.


Like the best free FL Studio plugins, the beauty of Sitala lies in its simplicity. We found that it lets you lay down grooves quickly, and the results are always musical. We especially like how the interface allows you to play it like an instrument.

Piano One by Sound Magic

Download for Free

Sound Magic’s Piano One is reminiscent of the Yamaha C7 concert grand, which is highly revered by many professional piano players. Based on Sound Magic’s Hybrid Modeling Engine, Piano One combines the best qualities of physical modeling and sampling. The result is an amazingly rich and responsive sound that often felt like playing a real piano.

Best Features & Specs

Sound Magic’s Hybrid Modeling Engine does a great job of combining the realism of piano samples and the responsiveness of physical modeling. Unlike other modeled instruments, Piano One responds instantaneously, with no sluggishness or delay. The sound is reasonably rich and full-bodied, particularly when playing sustained low notes. The plugin even comes with an onboard reverb that simulates environment and soundboard resonance for added realism.


Even with its limitations, Piano One is a pretty impressive piano plugin. If you need a range of basic piano sounds but don’t have the cash for a humongous piano library, Piano One is worth looking into.

TyrellN6 & Zebralette by u-He

TyrellN6 is based on the legendary Roland Juno 60, which is one of the most iconic analog synthesizers ever made. Users of the venerable classic will appreciate the simplicity and ease of use of this plugin, which lets you create deep bass, lush pads, and cutting leads with relatively little effort.

Zebralette isn’t based on any particular instrument. Rather, it is a teaser of sorts for u-He’s well-respected Zebra 2. It has the same great-sounding oscillator that is in Zebra, giving you a taste of what you could achieve with the more fully-featured product.

Best Features & Specs

TyrellN6 and Zebralette give you a pretty diverse range of sounds, from classic to cutting edge. TyrellN6’s classic architecture is the ticket to thick and lush vintage sounds, with noise and a ring modulator joining the two oscillators for extra flavor.

Zebralette is a more esoteric plugin that allows for the creation of more outlandish and experimental sounds. This is a great entry point into the sonic possibilities offered by Zebra 2, and we were thrilled to find that Zebralette patches can be opened in Zebra 2.


TyrellN6 and Zebralette are compact yet powerful synths that will find a place in any modern production. Even if you already have some powerhouse synths in your collection, these two free VSTs for FL Studio are worthy additions.

Guitar M Lite II

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Guitar M Lite II offers studio musicians the crisp and authoritative sounds of the Martin D-41 acoustic guitar in a convenient software plugin. Developed by Ample Guitar, M Lite is a great way to add glistening acoustic textures to your productions, even if you don’t happen to have a guitar player handy.

Best Features & Specs

M Lite is a sample-based instrument that weighs in at just under 850 MB. It includes standard guitar articulations such as hammer-ons and pull-offs, palm mutes, and pops, allowing you to create surprisingly realistic performances. The plugin also offers Customized Parameters Control (CPC), which lets you add more expressive touches via MIDI CC or automation.

We especially like the plugin’s Strummer function, which allows for some pretty convincing strummed performances. Strumming is where most acoustic guitar plugins fall short as far as we’re concerned, so were pleasantly surprised to find it implemented so convincingly in a free plugin.


Free Vst Plug-ins For Fl Studio

Those with discerning ears aren’t likely to be fooled by M Lite. But if you need some rudimentary acoustic guitar parts for a mockup, this plugin will do very well in a pinch.

LABS by Spitfire Audio

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Spitfire Audio’s LABS has created quite a stir in the software plugins world, so we were eager to put it through its paces. At present, the collection already covers a pretty broad range of instruments, and more are being added all the time. And because each instrument is a labor of love by dedicated musicians and sampling experts, the results are consistently impressive.

Best Features & Specs

Each LABS instrument comes in the form of a dedicated plugin, rather than a library you load in a software sampler. We found the user interface to be focused and refreshingly straightforward, with easy to use controls for dynamics and expression. We also like the inclusion of a knob that can be customized for whatever function the user wants.

The LABS collection currently includes strings, guitars, pianos, brass, drums, vocals, percussion, synths, and experimental instruments. Although not quite as detailed as more extensive sampled libraries, we had no trouble making them fit into our productions.


The LABS instruments are about as straightforward as plugin instruments can be. Even if you already have a collection of software instruments, you will probably find a use for some of these plugins.

Vinyl by iZotope

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iZotope has long been known for its excellent noise reduction and sound improvement plugins. So it was a bit of a surprise when the company rolled out a plugin that adds grit and dirt to audio. With Vinyl, you can dirty up your tracks with a healthy helping of dust, scratches, and mechanical noise, instantly giving them the character of a vintage recording.

Best Features & Specs

As the name implies, Vinyl makes tracks sound like they are being played from a turntable. Ideally suited for every stage of the production process, we found this to be the most convenient solution to get the authentic vibe heard on ’60s and ’70s recordings.

We like how you can control how much ‘pixie dust’ you can add to your tracks. Whether you need just a few cracks and pops, a touch of mechanical noise, or you really want to thrash your audio, Vinyl provides independent control over each element.


Vinyl works on pretty much everything from drums and strings to full mixes. If your tracks are sounding just a bit too clean, this plugin will let you dirty them up in a few clicks.

Ozone Imager 2 by iZotope

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iZotope’s Ozone Imager 2 offers a quick and easy way to alter the stereo image of your tracks. Whether you need to widen a pad or string section or narrow down your bass and kick drums to fit into a mix, Ozone Imager lets you do so quickly and easily.

Best Features & Specs

The most obvious application of Ozone Imager is to widen an audio track. If you need your synth pad or string section to fill up the soundstage, Ozone Imager will get the job done without imparting any sonic anomalies that could make mixing a nightmare.

Ozone Imager provides two flavors of Stereoize: one lets you widen source audio with a cool phasing effect, while the other widens signals more subtly. Full cracked fl studio. The plugin also has three vectorscope meters that give you instant visual feedback on your stereo spread.


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Ozone Imager is a fairly simple plugin that is useful for mixing as well as creative experimentation. If you are struggling to make certain elements fit into a mix, this is one you can try out, of check out or list of other mixing plugins.


Download for Free

MAutoPitch is a pitch correction plugin developed specifically for vocals and monophonic instruments. Simple and straightforward, it is nevertheless capable of producing great-sounding results that compare favorably to more expensive pitch correction plugins. It even has formant shift and stereo-expansion features that expand its capabilities as a creative audio production tool.

Best Features & Specs

Compared to many FL Studio plugins for free, MAutoPitch has quite an impressive user interface. It can be resized freely and has standard meters as well as time graphs. It also has sophisticated multi-parameter features such as mid-side and 8-channel surround processing. We particularly like the onboard safety limiter and the automatic gain compensation (AGC) features that keep levels in check.

All MAutoPitch parameters can be mapped for MIDI control and automation. This enhances the plugin’s value as a creative tool, making it more than just a “set-and-forget” processor.


From subtle pitch correction to creative sound design, MAutoPitch does it all. If you do a lot of vocal work, this plugin is an essential addition to your toolbox.

Supermassive by Valhalla DSP

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Supermassive is only one of a handful of time-based plugins that form the bedrock of Valhalla DSP’s stellar reputation. The company’s delays and reverbs compare favorably to much more expensive plugins, and their features and capabilities are well known to producers across the globe. With Supermassive, the company once again proves its expertise in developing lush and exquisite sounding plugins, with a few more tricks up its sleeve.

Best Features & Specs

Supermassive is designed specifically to produce spacious and expansive delays and reverbs. Ideally suited for adding atmosphere to dry and lackluster productions, it sounds just as good when dialed down for more subtle ambiance.

Like all Valhalla DSP plugins, Supermassive is freely resizable, with precise controls for every parameter. It is based on a system of feedback delay networks, with each delay ultimately being processed by a unique WARP control. This allows you to produce everything from twinkling echoes to rich and deep reverbs and everything in between.


Supermassive is easily a great VST for lush ambiance, even able to compete with our list of top VSTs on the market. Even if you already have a couple of favorite reverbs and delays, you will likely find yourself patching in Supermassive every time you need a unique atmosphere in your productions.

Pancake 2 by Cableguys

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Cableguys’ Pancake 2 handles a variety of panning and imaging functions in a slick and easy to use interface. Like all Cableguys plugins, Pancake 2 offers full control over the most useful parameters, giving you total control over your sound. You also have plenty of options to modulate the source audio as you wish, so you have free rein over your creative vision.

Best Features & Specs

PanCake allows you to set and forget the modulation depth and rate if you wish, although you could also draw in your own modulation curves. This feature is perfect for panning audio in time with the tempo or ramping up the speed for a buildup.

Free Autotune Plug-ins For Fl Studio 20

Of course, the plugin’s LFO can be set to sync to your host DAW’s tempo as well. Speeds from ¹⁄₁₂₈ notes to 32 bars are possible, giving you a wide range of movement options. The plugin also has a left/right display so you always know what is going on with your soundstage.


Like the other top FL Studio plugins out there, Pancake 2 can be as simple or as complex as you wish. Whether you need subtle movement in your tracks or you are looking for more intense panning functions, Pancake 2 is one of the best free plugins for FL Studio.